Favourite Quotation

What is the new Birth then?... It is the revelation of Jesus Christ personally to you… Not you joined a church, you shook a hand… you promised to live by a code of rules. But Christ, the Bible, He is the Word that was revealed to you. And no matter what anybody says, what takes place… It's Christ in you. That is the revelation that the Church was built upon.

William Branham; Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed 1963

Monday, November 29, 2010


You’ve dusted once, you’ve swept up twice the house came up quite clean
Now you open up the doors again to evil places that you’ve been
Invited back the Old One comes, increased, stronger, greater,
In pride you think you’re in control and will sort this problem later

Dark iron bands of sin constrict, a heart that God had softened
Because it tempted sin so much, though God warned you clearly often
Turned from God, ears dull to hear, slipping, sliding, falling
Eyes glazed over, unresponsive to hear God’s warning calling

Demonic hands reach out to grip, enticing luring leading
Too numb to save yourself, falls descent now speeding
With triumph gloating on their faces, evil grins now leering
Sins wind now whistling in your ears, destruction quickly nearing

Hells stench that sticks upon your clothes and fingerprints of sin
You train the dark side carefully, and sit back and watch it win
In stubbornness you tread God down, ignore advice that’s given
Once subdued, hell’s imps control and now in earnest driven.

You play with dragons, cuddle snakes, and pride says you’re OK
As poisoned claws caress your face, beguiled you stay and play
Death is stalking closely, and by death you’re overtaken
Quickly turn and run; shake your self; awaken!

Now, if the life is in here is God's faith, and it's of God, it can produce nothing but a Christian life. That's all. You can't make a thorn grow on a--make apples grow on a thorn tree. Whatever the tree, if its got sycamore bark on it, looks like a sycamore tree, and bearing apples, it's a apple tree, 'cause the life in it is a apple tree life, and it's producing apples.
Don't make any difference whether it's Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Full Gospel, Pentecostal, whatever you are, Nazarenes, if you're bearing the fruits of the Spirit, you got Life in you. See, see?
Now, the life is known by what's on the inside. Now, if that unclean spirit is gone out, and their life that it is in here is faith, "Go ye and sin no more," that is, disbelieve no more, "or a worse thing..." sure, seven others will come with him, and come in by force and take it.
William Branham, Explaining Healing, and Jairus 54-02-16

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