Favourite Quotation

What is the new Birth then?... It is the revelation of Jesus Christ personally to you… Not you joined a church, you shook a hand… you promised to live by a code of rules. But Christ, the Bible, He is the Word that was revealed to you. And no matter what anybody says, what takes place… It's Christ in you. That is the revelation that the Church was built upon.

William Branham; Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed 1963

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Fearing God we’re taught, is wisdom’s starting place
And until you start to fear Him there’s no starting in the race
For a Holy God in justice with righteous indignation
Will require answers from you and for sin an explanation

All the pride that bolstered sin and demons entertaining
Will abandon you upon that day, leave you with the explaining
With all your filth more filthy still, and exposed before all men
You’ll wished you’d feared God now for you’ll certainly fear Him then

You’ve had answers and know the way that God from sin provided
He’s entreated softly to your heart, He’s provoked and pushed and chided
But stubbornly you carry on, enjoy the pleasures of your faults
And try to say you’re having fun, in spite of sin’s results

Like a child you play a game but this one plays for keeps
And while you sowed for Satan you’ll be the one who reaps
More tender love you’ll never know than God freely gave to all
But more frightening wrath you’ll never see if on His grace you didn’t fall

Over in Ecclesiastes the 12th chapter and the 13th verse, it's written like this. See? "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments, for this is the full duty of man."
The conclusion of the whole matter is to fear God. And when, you cannot have respects until you have fear. You've got to have fear of God. Solomon said also in the Proverbs that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom: the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
Now, that don't mean that you're afraid of Him, but that means that you're giving respects and reverence. And when you respect God, you fear God. You fear that you might displease Him in some way; you fear lest you would do something wrong.
William Branham, Respects 61-10-15

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