I’ve seen the
folly of history revision when the witnesses are already dead
A wrong
motivation can easily change the things that have already been said.
Who then can tell
which witness is true for some are happy to lie
So how can you
now rejudge the event when the honest have already died.
We know that the
media today as we know it is biased and misrepresents facts
And we also know
that papers go missing to cover up unwanted facts.
The worlds whole
agenda is to steer the masses by creating clever perceptions
Decoys and
illusions that cover the truth with sometimes blatant deceptions.
People threatened
or brought, bypassed or taught there is only one goal in mind,
Complete power
and control is the ultimate aim of the beast that now quickly binds.
political and demon power moves quicker than ever before.
For patiently she has set her noose; this
church also known as the whore.
There’re just a
few who have held back the tide, of this great, evil, black flood.
It is those who believe
all of His Word and are washed in His precious Blood.
They believe despite what some Jesuit says, now
those who saw it are dead.
They’ve always changed history, rewritten the
facts, lied with everything said.
Yes they have
witnesses, promoted and paid, seduced and told to keep silence,
And where they enjoy
complete control they are quick to exercise violence.
While many now
waver from the precepts of truth my heart can never be moved,
For regardless of
history my life has been changed, and supernaturally proved.
I don’t serve a
historical God and my faith is not based in the past.
Signs drew my
attention to scriptural truths and an experience that always will last.
I have searched
and can’t find a single teaching that can hold the world at bay.
I challenge you,
just take one look, compare them to yesterday.
Show me Hebrews 13:8,
He said He’d take many son’s to glory,
Son’s just like
Himself and in His image, a Life, not some church story.
The same Seed
that died and was buried rose, triumphant over death,
And will manifest
That Life complete with this mortal breath.